Individual Counseling

While we are rooted in Athens, Georgia, our counseling services can accompany you wherever you are. We provide individual and group counseling services designed to address the unique concerns faced by our clients. Through both in-person and online therapy sessions, we meet our clients where they are and work toward mutually established goals to assist them in their personal growth and development.

Individual Counseling Athens GA

Personal Growth with Expert Georgia Therapists at The Banyan Tree Center

Life can be overwhelming at times, leaving you feeling lost and seeking guidance. Finding a mental health professional or counseling center that provides comprehensive, integrative services can be a challenge. You want to find a place that understands your needs and offers solutions tailored to your unique situation.

Imagine a haven of tranquility where healing is not just a goal but a way of life. A place where experienced professionals guide you on your journey toward self-discovery and wellness.

Welcome to the Banyan Tree, where we believe in taking a holistic approach to counseling and wellness. Our team of dedicated experts are here to support you every step of the way. With our wide range of services, from individual therapy to group therapy and workshops, we offer a personalized experience that addresses your specific needs. Take the first step toward inner peace and visit us today.

A Holistic Approach to Well-Being

Our integrative counseling approach offers a comprehensive range of services that caters to the needs of each individual. With a team of highly skilled therapists, we provide personalized care to support healing and personal growth on all levels—mind, body, and spirit. This holistic approach ensures that our clients receive the guidance and support they need to thrive.

Individual Counseling Services

Career Counseling

Career Counseling

Are you looking to change your life? Is your job unsatisfying? Maybe you are experiencing life transitions as a new graduate, going through a hard time due to changes in the economy, or considering a career change.

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Young Adults (18–25)

Young Adults (18–25)

The Banyan Tree offers a holistic and personalized approach to therapy for young adults. We understand the unique challenges and stress factors that young adults face and provide a safe and nurturing environment for them to explore their emotions and mental health.

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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can impact both your physical health and emotional well-being. At the Banyan Tree, we recognize the sensitivity surrounding these issues. Whether you are dealing with anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, or another related concern, our dedicated team is here to support you.

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Difficult Relationships

Difficult Relationships

Relationships. Connections. Friends. Acquaintances. Co-Workers. Boyfriends. Girlfriends. Employers. Employees. Vendors. Clients. Husbands. Wives. Supervisors. Parents. Family.

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Body Image + Sexuality

Body Image + Sexuality

At its core, body image refers to the relationship we have with our body. It is comprised of the thoughts and feelings we have in reference to our body.

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Treatment for Anxiety

Treatment for Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common public health problems seen in medicine today. In fact, it is the most common concern addressed at the Banyan Tree.

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Treatment for Depression

Treatment for Depression

Loss of Interest. Sadness. Hopelessness. Feelings of Worthlessness. Change in Sleep Patterns. Change in Eating Patterns. Decreased Concentration. Lack of Energy.

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Are you feeling stressed out, sad, or alone in your sexuality or gender identity? Do you need some support creating the life and relationships you desire?

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Schedule a Session with a Professional Counselor

At the Banyan Tree, we understand that seeking help can be a daunting step. That's why we strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone who walks through our doors. Our counselors and therapists are not only highly trained but also compassionate and understanding, ensuring that each session is a space of trust and growth. Through our services, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on society. Our team of mental health professionals are committed to helping individuals overcome their challenges and discover a path towards inner peace. We are here to support you with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, stress and more. Let us develop a personalized strategy and provide guidance on your journey toward wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does integrative counseling improve mental health concerns?

Integrative counseling improves mental health challenges by offering a holistic approach to addressing various aspects of mental health issues. It combines evidence-based techniques with alternative practices to provide a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to individual needs. By incorporating different modalities such as talk therapy, mindfulness practices, art therapy, or body-centered techniques, integrative counseling helps individuals gain self-awareness, develop coping skills, manage symptoms of anxiety disorders or depression, and enhance overall well-being. This integrated approach recognizes that mental health is influenced by multiple factors and aims to support healing and personal growth on all levels—mind, body, and spirit.

Will counseling improve my self-esteem?

Counseling can certainly help improve self-esteem. Through therapy, you will have the opportunity to explore and address underlying issues that contribute to low self-esteem. Our therapists can provide guidance, support, and tools to help you develop a more positive self-perception and build confidence in various areas of your life.

Is there any research that supports the effectiveness of integrative counseling and wellness?

Yes, there is research that supports the effectiveness of integrative counseling and wellness. Studies have shown that this approach can lead to improved mental health outcomes, reduced symptoms of an anxiety disorder and depression, increased self-awareness and self-confidence, and enhanced overall well-being. Integrative counseling combines evidence-based techniques with alternative practices, allowing individuals to benefit from a wide range of therapeutic interventions. The holistic nature and counseling style of integrative counseling also recognizes the importance of addressing the mind, body, and spirit in achieving optimal wellness. If you're seeking a comprehensive approach to healing and personal growth, integrative counseling with a licensed professional counselor may be a great fit for you.

What can I expect from an integrative counseling session?

In an integrative counseling session with a licensed therapist, you can expect a personalized approach that addresses your specific needs and goals. The therapist will work collaboratively with you to create a treatment plan that may include traditional talk therapy as well as other approaches, such as mindfulness practices, art therapy, or body-centered techniques.

How does integrative counseling differ from traditional therapy?

Integrative counseling combines traditional therapy techniques with alternative and complementary practices. Through this method, therapists, such as family therapists, offer clients a holistic approach to healing.

What is integrative counseling and wellness?

Integrative counseling and wellness is an approach that combines traditional therapy techniques with alternative and complementary practices to promote holistic healing. It focuses on addressing the mind, body, and spirit to achieve overall well-being and balance in an individual's life.

What is counseling?

Simply put, it is a way to enrich your life. Counseling can increase emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It can improve relationships and enhance the quality of day-to-day life. Counseling and psychotherapy restores hope and gives direction as individuals and families address personal and emotional challenges. We provide a setting of safety, confidentiality, and acceptance. This allows the client to fully explore what they want to talk about. Together, the counselor and the client will create new ways to effectively find the best course of action.

Can counseling help me?

Yes! Not only do we believe it can, there is a substantial amount of research to support the idea that counseling works. We understand that you may feel skeptical and uncertain. Perhaps you or someone you know has tried it before with no success. We encourage you to try it anyway. The greatest predictor of counseling effectiveness is the relationship formed between the client and therapist. Browse our staff pages and contact our intake coordinator for a free consultation to determine if someone on our staff would be a good fit to work with you. Counseling works when you find the right fit.

Who are your typical clients?

Our typical clients are between the ages of 13 and 65+. They come to improve their lives in many different areas, including personal, school, career, and family. They may have relationship problems, addictions, parenting challenges, difficulties managing stress, depression. or anxiety. They may be learning to cope better with life's difficulties, such as illness, finding meaning in life, transitions, and decision-making. Maybe you've heard of people going to counseling and because of a stigma or belief that it was for people with "real problems," you hesitated to contact a therapist. Counseling teaches truly effective ways to deal with common, everyday irritations as well as more entrenched patterns of living. At the Banyan Tree, we can help you with whatever concern prompted you to look into our services. If we don't work with your particular concern, we will help you find someone who does. So whatever you're facing, please contact us. You will be taking a big first step to living the life you want to live!

Are my sessions confidential?

Counseling is a confidential process. We adhere to strict professional standards of ethics and confidentiality. We are required by practice guidelines and standards of care to keep records of your counseling sessions. However, information can only be released with your permission and written consent unless mandated by law. You should be aware; however, that there are a few exceptions regarding confidentiality. For example, therapists are required to take appropriate action when a client is judged to be in imminent danger of harming oneself or threatens grave bodily harm to another person, and this action supersedes confidentiality. We must also report all incidents of child or elder abuse, whether it has already occurred or is likely to occur. Finally, under certain circumstances, confidentiality may be superseded by a court order. If you have any questions regarding confidentiality, bring them to the attention of your therapist.

What are my rights and responsibilities?

Our purpose is to help you resolve problem areas in your life. Although no one can solve your problems for you, we are trained to help people cope more effectively with their difficulties. We will do our best to understand you as a unique individual and help you work through your difficulties. We will listen, understand, and help you to the fullest extent of our professional training and experience. It is your responsibility to help us understand your life situation, thoughts, and feelings and to have the courage to try to master your problem areas. As a patient, you have the following rights:

  • To ask for and receive information about our qualifications, including licensure, education, training, experience, membership in professional organizations, specific areas of practice, and limits on practice
  • To have written information before therapy about fees, method of payment, insurance coverage, number of sessions that may be needed, on-call therapists used in case of vacations and emergencies, and cancellation policies
  • To refuse to answer any question or give any information you choose not to answer or give
  • To know if your case will be discussed with others (for instance, supervisors or consultants) and what information will be shared
  • To ask about your progress
  • To have any therapy procedure, including pros and cons of its use, explained to you before it is used
  • To end treatment at any time (However, please schedule at least one session with your therapist before terminating treatment.)
What happens if I miss an appointment or need to cancel?

Mental health professionals differ in many respects from other healthcare providers. Unlike most physicians, dentists, and other professionals who work on flexible and inexact schedules, we commit a specific time period to each client. Therefore, it is important for you to appreciate the fact that a block of time has been set aside for you only. Our schedules can be crowded. Canceling or rescheduling an appointment without sufficient notice often means the loss of an hour of therapy to someone else that needed the appointment time. Therefore, we ask that you give at least 48 hours notice if you cannot be at the appointment for which you have contracted. If no notice of your cancellation is received, or if less than 24 hours notice is given, YOU WILL BE CHARGED A FEE FOR THE MISSED APPOINTMENT. Of course, rescheduling an appointment can be done at any time if there is an emergency or unexpected illness. Cancellation messages can be left on the voicemail. To prevent any confusion about your appointment time, always keep your appointment card. If a mistake is made, your appointment card is your means of verification.

How do I contact my counselor?

Due to the nature of their work and the complexity of their schedules, our counselors are often not immediately available by telephone. The Banyan Tree phone number (706-850-7041) is answered Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. by our office manager and intake coordinators. During other times, it is answered by a confidential answering machine, and calls will be returned by our office manager during the times listed above. The answering machine is also monitored once or twice daily during weekends and holidays. Please speak clearly and give numbers slowly, since we may not have any way to look up your number. If you have an urgent need, please make this very clear in your message. However, since we do not carry pagers, there may be a delay in our receiving your call request. If you are unable to reach us and feel that you can't wait for a return call, please contact your family physician or the nearest emergency room or mental health crisis center. If your counselor will be unavailable for an extended time, we will provide you, via our outgoing message, with the name of a colleague to contact, if necessary.

Still have questions?

We are here to help and would love to hear from you.

Contact Us Today

Transform Your Mental Health Through Holistic Counseling

At the Banyan Tree, we blend traditional therapy with holistic counseling to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace a complete transformation and create your path toward mental resilience. Visit us today because a healthier, more balanced life is just a session away.

Athens Counseling